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Funky Cucumber (glass of cucumber water) Painting -Time-Lapse Video

glass of cucumber water painting - vegetable still life


Original painting progress video of a piece of cucumber and a glass of cucumber water by contemporary artist Bart Carels.

Title: ‘Funky Cucumber’
Artist: Bart Carels
Year: 2020


Tried something new this time. In some of my previous paintings I started with Vermillion as my base layer. To see what surprises may happen, I tried Magenta this time. next I created outlines and used green which I already mixed to paint my cucumber with. Then I started coloring in the main colors of the cucumber and used a blueish / purple tone for my background. Because I wanted parts of the Magenta background to come through, I did not totally cover it.

hen I did the same for the surface; in my reference, the glass and cucumber were laying on a cutting board made of wood. I replaced this by using an almost white color, because I thought it would work well together with the magenta and background and it would create a nice contrast at the same time. Definitely out of my comfort zone, but this was an interesting little piece to work on.

Painting Specifications:

  • Just one in the world
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions: 24×18 cm / 9×7 inches
  • Color Palette: Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Black |White
