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Sambal Oelek (Hot pepper paste) Painting -Time-Lapse Video

sambal oelek hot peper paste still life painting


Original painting of some hot pepper paste in a jar by contemporary artist Bart Carels.

Title: ‘Sambal Oelek’
Artist: Bart Carels
Year: 2020


Probably one of the most well known sambals (at least in The Netherlands). For this one-day speed painting, I prepared the canvas by covering it with a mixture of white gesso and vermillion (red-0range). Next I created my under drawing (just the linework, no values) to make sure my composition and proportions were acceptable. After this I started filling the jar with dark tones. This gave me a better idea of what color I could use for the background (I did not use the actual color from the reference I used). When I do use the color from reference, I often start with the background before working on the subject. But to me, there really is no correct approach.

Anyway, with the background colors visible, I started working on the details like highlights and shadows. Because for these speed paintings, my time is limited, I try to make sure the painting progresses nicely and in each stage, all parts have the same level of detail. Of course when you want to focus on a specific part of your artwork (like the jar in my case) you can choose to add some more details to it.

Painting Specifications:

  • Just one in the world
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions: 24×18 cm / 9×7 inches
  • Color Palette: Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Black |White
