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Sambal Oelek (Hot pepper paste) Painting -Time-Lapse Video

sambal oelek hot peper paste still life painting


Original painting of some hot pepper paste in a jar by contemporary artist Bart Carels.

Title: ‘Sambal Oelek’
Artist: Bart Carels
Year: 2020


Probably one of the most well known sambals (at least in The Netherlands). For this one-day speed painting, I prepared the canvas by covering it with a mixture of white gesso and vermillion (red-0range). Next I created my under drawing (just the linework, no values) to make sure my composition and proportions were acceptable. After this I started filling the jar with dark tones. This gave me a better idea of what color I could use for the background (I did not use the actual color from the reference I used). When I do use the color from reference, I often start with the background before working on the subject. But to me, there really is no correct approach.

Anyway, with the background colors visible, I started working on the details like highlights and shadows. Because for these speed paintings, my time is limited, I try to make sure the painting progresses nicely and in each stage, all parts have the same level of detail. Of course when you want to focus on a specific part of your artwork (like the jar in my case) you can choose to add some more details to it.

Painting Specifications:

  • Just one in the world
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions: 24×18 cm / 9×7 inches
  • Color Palette: Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Black |White


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Herbs and Spices Painting -Time-Lapse Video


Original painting of  some Indonesian herbs and spices by contemporary artist Bart Carels.

Title: ‘Herbs and spices’
Artist: Bart Carels
Year: 2020


The video above speaks for itself, but the progress is similar to what I’ve been doing lately. I prepared my canvas with some gesso, mixed with Vermillion. Then I started to create the lines of my subject with primary cyan to make sure my composition was good enough in terms of size and proportions. Next step was adding in the background and the surface. Then I started filling the plastic containers and finished by adding some smaller details like shadows and highlights.

The herbs and spices I used as a subject come from the Indonesian (in my case Dutch-Indonesian) cuisine.

My dad was born in the Dutch East Indies (a Dutch colony now Indonesia). He was of mixed European and Indonesian descent, meaning his ancestors were both Indonesian and European. When he came to the Netherlands with his parents, brother and sister in the fifties, he took a lot of his country of birth with him. Think of music, food, attitude and behavior. After marrying my (Dutch) mom, my brother and I grew up with both Dutch and Indo influences. This sometimes shows in my art as well.

Anyway, one of the things about my roots I enjoy very much is the food. I like to cook (and eat) and this subject shows some herbs and spices typically used in the Indo cuisine. Now you can see we buy the herbs and spices in these plastic containers because lots of dishes use a lot of this stuff (several teaspoons of each). So better make sure you have some stock!

Showing in the painting (from top to bottom): Coriander (Ketumbar),  Candle Nuts (Kemiri), Cumin (Jinten) and Turmeric (Kunyit/Kunir).


Original Painting

  • Just one in the world
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions: 24×30 cm / 9×11 inches
  • Color Palette: Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Black |White
