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Yesterday’s Dessert (Two McDonald’s Milkshakes) Painting -Time-Lapse Video


Original painting progress video of two McDonald’s Milkshakes by contemporary artist Bart Carels.

Title: ‘Yesterday’s Dessert’
Artist: Bart Carels
Year: 2020


So, somewhere this week we came back from an afternoon drive and had not prepared dinner and decided to go through the McDrive. This was an interesting experience in itself with Covid-19 going on. Payment devices and meals were being handed out to customers with trays on sticks.

Anyway,  after finishing my ‘Double Tasty’ (never having that one again, should have sticked with my quarter pounder menu) I looked at the carton holding our medium and large-sized strawberry milkshakes and thought it would make a nice painting to remember that evening by.

So far for the little background story, now for the approach. I really didn’t think about an approach for this art piece and did not even prepare the canvas this time. I started painting with the paint left on my canvas from the day before. So I used vermillion (the red-orange paint) to create my line work/composition.

Then I thought, together with The yellow M’s and the vermillion of the outlines coming through here and there, teal could work well as a background. So I painted teal around the cups to see how that looked. Next I put in the shadows of the paper cups, using a mixture of white, magenta, cyan and primary yellow and did the same for the cartboard carrier tray that holds the cups by adding some more magenta and blue to create darker shadows.

From that point onward it was just a matter of putting in details, highlights and filling the background. The piece remained quite loose and rough looking.


Painting Specifications:

  • Just one in the world
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions: 24×18 cm / 9×7 inches
  • Color Palette: Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Black |White
