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Music on the Move (carrera walkman/portable cassette player)

walkman portable cassette player painting


Original painting of a Walman / Carrera PX-12 Portable Cassette player by Contemporary artist Bart Carels.

Title: ‘Music on the Move’
Artist: Bart Carels
Year: 2020


I have good memories of my walkman(s). The idea that you used to listen to the same tape for days or even weeks sounds crazy but aso makes it more special in a way. And the fact that you had to keep changing the batteries and often create the painting yourself…old skool indeed! I even remember us borrowing one from our uncle that looked like a giant car radio. You had to wear it on your back like a backpack. Cool but very unpractical.

Anyway, today I used paper instead of canvas to paint on. I had to get used to painting on paper. I’m not sure if I need to use a different kind, but the paper started to wrinkle a bit when I started painting on it. It did however straighten out when the paint dried up, but it got in the way of painting a bit.

For this artwork, I did not really use an underpainting or base layer as I was afraid that using to many painting layers would mess up the paper. So I chose yellow (mixed with a bit of magenta) as my background color. Then I just started painting by hand. I noticed my proportions were a bit off compared to the reference photo, but I kept it like this because I didn’t want to mess around to much as I was afraid to ruin the paper. It also seemed harder to cover up ‘mistakes’ by painting over it on paper compared to canvas, so I just left it alone. The rest of the process was fairly simple: block in the big shapes and start adding details, shadows and highlights later on.

Painting Specifications:

  • Just one in the world
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions: 24x30cm / 9×11 inches
  • Color Palette: Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Black | White
