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Tabasco Gone Sideways (Tabasco Sauce Bottle) Painting -Time-Lapse Video

tabasco bottle still life painting


Original painting progress video of a bottle of Tabasco sauce by contemporary artist Bart Carels.

Title: ‘Tabasco Gone Sideways’
Artist: Bart Carels
Year: 2020


A different day, a different painting subject. Tabasco bottles have been painted countless times, so it’s not the most original subject. To give it a twist I put the bottle on its side. This actually made it a lot harder to paint for me. I struggled with the proportions and symmetry. All in all, good practice!

The approach is similar to the previous painting(s). I painted the outlines of my subject with a color already close to the colour of the sauce (mixed some magenta with yellow and a tiny bit of cyan). Then I painted in the dark/shadow parts using that same color. after this it was basically a matter of adding the green label, the background, some darker and lighter values for the sauce and adding some smaller text and highlights to the bottle. I used the main features of the bottle and left out all the small details because I painted quite fast and all the smaller bits don’t fit in with the overall level of detail of this piece.

Painting Specifications:

  • Just one in the world
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions: 24×18 cm / 9×7 inches
  • Color Palette: Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Black |White
